Dear No-Reply Blogger,

NOTE: is moving to the world of self hosted Wordpress! If you haven't please subscribe to the RSS feed you'll still be able to find me! Cheers!

'you didn´t crash did you?'

How can I link my email address to my blogger profile?


For me?

Would you mind? It's easy I promise.

Will you edit your blogger profile to SHOW your email address?

I really want to reply to YOU. I have no idea who No-Reply is? I'm sure she's nice and all. But I just replied to 15 comment emails and AFTERWARDS realized half of them were to Ms. Fancy Pants No-Reply. Crap.

How to add your email to your blogger profile. (A tute)

Why? I love to reply directly to YOU when you comment! And it’s goofy to put a response to my blog in your blog comments!

{Don’t worry. I promise I’ll be the first one to comment on your lovely post!}

Go to your Dashboard (click customize at the top of your blog then dashboard):

  • Step One: Open your profile page, click EDIT Profile on left side of profile.
    (If you need help finding your profile page let me know).
  • Step Two: make sure the box marked show my profile and show my email address are checked.
  • Step Three: Under Identity, add the email address you want comment replies to be sent.
  • Optional, change your display name to match your blog somehow?
    Or leave as your fist name? (I use Carissa{GoodNCrazy} so people can relate it back to my blog).

  • Step Four: scroll to bottom and click save!


You did it. Now come back and comment, so I can reply to you in real email form!!


MORE bloggy tutes


Jenni said...

::::Uploads apples for the teacher::::

Linda S said...

3 snaps in a circle!!! I've been meaning to do this post for a long time...a very wise blogger taught me this and I've felt so B. A. ever since! I love emailing you and jig jen and others!!!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Yeah..SLOW figured it out!!! Thank you...

Laura said...

I'll be copying you and posting your exact post. I hate this!

Casey's trio said...

Got this one taken care of already!

Mikki said...

hmmm, you wouldn't be directing this post at me would you? :P LOL
All takn care of, thanks for the tip!

Jocasta said...

I reply to the non reply as well! Took me ages to realise that it went no where!

Marketing Mama said...

I remember when I finally figured this out - Eureka!

You inspired me to write about the same thing this morning and pointed people here to get the instructions. Hope you don't mind me shamelessly ripping off your topic, since I gave you a shout out and all. ;)

AutoSysGene said...

Do it everyone! I've gotten more wonderful emails from people all over the world since I've added my email address!

Jillybean said...

I also like to be able to reply directly to the commenter.
Thank you for this fine public announcement!

tammi said...

Thanks so much for the heads-up yesterday! I pride myself at being somewhat blogger-savvy, so this absolutely mortified me!! I've posted this tutorial on my blog this morning, too. Thanks again!

Rachel said...

. . . . off to makes sure my email is where it should be . . . .

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

I love how you are always the mentor! Thanks for the tute :).

Melissa Ann Browning said...

I don't have a blog, but when I leave a comment I have to log-in with my name & email - that works too, right?

Laura said...

I was curious about your comment on LitandLaundry so I decided to pop and visit your blog.
I am a NO REPLY blogger. I didn't used to be but I had a VERY uncomfortable situation with a reader (male) who started to email me everyday- and I thought he was being WAY too personal. I thought by taking it off the blog, he would stop.
He finally did for the most part(every now and then he pops back). I made a second email account just for my blog, but I decided to wait a while before I do that again.

Solei said...

LOL... Ok, the shoe fits. You must be talking about me too!

I went ahead and made an e-mail account specifically for my blog, and now it's up and running thanx to you.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, Mrs. Crabtree......"

Unknown said...

This bothers me too. Although I do like to comment when someone comments on my blog sometimes I am under time constraints and sending a quick email is so efficient.

Wep said...

Bravo! I wholeheartedly agree. I always wonder if people respond to my comment but never remember to go back and look.


Unknown said...

OMG! I love this blogging thing! I think of a post and voila, someone else writes it for me! I am linking you to my blog or however that works, because I swear I just said how that No-reply blogger annoys me to my friend today

t said...

PERFECT post!! My thoughts exactly...and those "anonymous" comments? What is that? Why be anonymous? Speak your mind, people...I'll still love you.

This was great. We need to have blog courtesy day.

Unknown said...

Mine was already set up that way, but since I don't comment to myself, I didn't know that's what does it.


Jay @halftime lessons said...

As the kids say, U rOX0rz

Dawn said...

Thank you for the tutorial!! :)

Unknown said...

I too get so aggervated after i have responded via email to peeps only to see no-reply LOL...great post

Claremont First Ward said...

Great tute, again. I posted your tutorial on my blog awhile ago. I wonder how many people actually changed their settings.

I think my next post is going to be directed at those that have word verification after each comment. j/k.

Ginny said...

I know, I hate when I start replying & there is no email address. Great post!

Anonymous said...

that happens to me all the time. i'm linking to you on saturday.

Mommy Meryl said...

Soooo glad you did this!! :-) I'm going to link back to you!! I replied for like a week before I realized I became very good friends with "no-reply"!!! :-)

Connie said...

I had already done this....but didn't know that was why I can't reply to some people!

Thanks for the lesson!

Deb said...

if you are ever looking for MORE to do, you could easily teach a tech class at one of those adult education things they have at community centers, high schools, etc. you are so good at explaining CLEARLY what to do! learned lots already.

Penny Ryder said...

I'm jealous! Look how many comments you get on your blog. I'm lucky to get one a week! I'll have to check now whether my email shows up.

Kimba said...

Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!

hippos toes said...

I am so glad you posted this!! I feel the same way. I want to send an email back when I received a comment and more times than not there is no email address. :) Thx for pointing that out!!

High Heels and a Sippy Cup said...

Thank-you so much for this wonderful post! I have been trying to figure out a way to ask my readers to make their email addresses visible and you have solved my problem. I wrote a post and linked to you all over the place. Thanks again!

p.s. I found you by way of Kimba's link round-up. Nice to meet you!

AJ said...

Ok, lets preface this with "I'm blonde" but I saved the changes and it is still taking me through Outlook when I click on email me? WTH, is it just me;)

J'Ollie Primitives said...

thanks! Off to find more good advice now...

Eternal Sunshine said...

Oh - this makes me crazy! I am always halfway through my reply before I realize that I'm sending an email to noreply. Plus, I feel silly going to someone's blog to respond to their comment on my blog. Talk about random. This was a great post. I'm going to be sending people here!!!

Anonymous said...

testing..let me know if this works:)

Anonymous said...

ummmm. what if I don't use blogger??? I'll never get an email :cry:

jill jill bo bill said...

Okay I did it!!!! I didn't even know it wasn't on there. retarded.

Hannah said...

lol I fixed it

emily said...

thank you so much for posting this!!!

emily said...

do you mind if i use this post on my blog . . . i will give you all the credit for you words of wisdom?

Tiffany said...

I stole the info for a post but I linked back to you to give you credit. I hope that's OK. Let me know if it's not. Thanks again.

Claire said...

Ok... I did it... now stop sending me harassing emails about no reply blogger... ok... Thank you....

Anonymous said...

awesome tutorial on this. It looks like i have it correct, but I think I checked Name/URL when I commented to you. this time, Google/blogger, let's see what happens! Let me know.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I completely agree with you on that I know I can respond to people through email...what a difference!!!

Preston said...

Renee from Cutie Booty Cakes ( sent me this link so I could set up my email properly. I did it. Thanks for the help!

Anonymous said...

hmm...i may be guilty when it comes to not making my email available but then it's more because of ignorance than intentional. hehe!

though i don't use blogger, will try to figure out how to make my email addy accessible in my website.

Chantel said...

Yippee! Thanks for sharing this. I'm still learning how to use my Blogger account for good. My dear friend couldn't comment and was so upset. Just realized the other day I had to change those settings. lol

I should be good to go now.

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for this tutorial. i tried it but it didn't work. what could have i done wrong? i followed everything in the instruction. sigh.

stefanie said...

Thanks! I'll add it to the body of my own "Dear No-Reply Blogger"...

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!

I'm gonna post a link on my blog!

Lavinia said...

Thank you so much, I realized today that I was replying to the same no-reply guy!!!! My readers might think I am so mean and don´t reply to comments!!! I´ll put a link for this in my blog. Thanks again!!!

Unknown said...

Love this post - thank you. What I need to know is how do YOU respond via email to a post?? Forgive me for I am a new blogger.

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

Thanks for letting me know this. I'm going to post about this in my Friday "Things I Learned This Week" post at with a link back here. I never realized before why I could respond by email to some and not others and certainly didn't realize that my blogs were set for no reply. I just thought it had to do with the email line in the comment box. So glad I found this out!

InspiredDreamer said...

Thanks for the info on this! I had no idea I was set up incorrectly! I look forward to getting replies to my comments now, hooray!

Country Girl said...

Thanks for this. I was wondering why so many of my readers were the no-reply blogger people.

Candy said...

Great tutorials! esp for us newbies. thank u!

Chantel and Girls said...

OK here is my first comment in blogger land! Thanks for the sooooo very useful tips!!!

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


