Then Join It!

Here my little girl is attempting to screw in the little eyehooks that eventually will be the holders for the front axles... turns out it was a 'Mommy' job.. but she felt all big for trying!

Oh Yeah ya'betcha baby. Talk about the perfect playtoy? No batteries to run out. And they have to get creative with how to run the thing... cuz as soon as it hits shade?
It stops. So they rigged up several ways to set up the photo cells on top so it could be turned around and run in another direction.

I totally love and I get to chat often with @Nordink the creator. Terrific ideas and activities for kids of ALL ages! Try Fun with a 5 dollar bill. Or Creating a Snail City? Or my favorite Make Your Own Placemats! {We are totally doing this one!}
2. I got the inspiration for our Father's Day Cards from : It's a no frills site with FABulous ideas!
Oh my gosh I was totally floored by Amy Platon's idea for a kid crafting area! You will be too! (Hint: those are spice jars filled with paint...) Amy blogs at ScribbleInkCafe.

Oh my crazy cuteness. This one isn't a project, but sheesh do we just LOVE the designs on this Monkey See, Monkey Do clothing line? The materials are all organic. And when lined up the images tell a story!

Here's a whole series of great children's activities from
I love the swimming ideas!
Would you like to add your summer activity idea to this list?
Email me your suggestions!
georgie · 822 weeks ago
Amy · 822 weeks ago
angie · 822 weeks ago
Joy · 822 weeks ago
Wyatt had a great time at Nature camp last week and they did some great projects. His favorite was the home made chia pet:)
Panty hose, a little dirt, a few grass seeds and some fabric paint.
cut a piece of panty hose, make a knot, fill with dirt and seeds, tie knot at other end (these will look like ears) paint a face on the front, water a bit a sit in a window for sunlight.
We have ours sitting on the sink and it is really sprouting some "hair" it is hillarious looking and Wyatt says he wants to give it a mohawk. I will email you a pic.
Jenn · 820 weeks ago
Thanks for the ideas - they're awesome!
Jenn · 820 weeks ago
Just a semi typo for the second link then! Cool beans.
maggie · 635 weeks ago
maggie · 635 weeks ago
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