Hi! So glad you are joining us this week for Twitter GNO!
Hosted by:
Carissa @ GoodNCrazy and Jyl @ MommyGossip
I have it on good authority that it never rains in my new high mountain desert home. Yeah, right.
It's been raining and/or cloudy for several days now. And it's making me nervous. Is Autumn really here for good? I refuse to turn on the heat.
(Go put on a sweater if YOU're cold!--Sound just like my mom, eh?)
I'm told there is often snow here for Trick -Or-Treating. Great.
How Do You Decorate for Halloween? Rosh Hashana? Autumn? Thanksgiving?
Do you have your kid's Halloween costumes ready?
Home-made? Store-bought? Good find on Ebay?
Or just a dang hand-me-down?
What was the best costume your kid (or you!) ever donned?
I'm thinking everyone should get a picture of their best past Halloween costume and get it loaded up either on your blog or on a photobucket/flickr account?
And then figure out how to use TinyURL.com.
Because at the twitter GNO TONIGHT (Oct. 7th) we are all going to share our best, our worst, our ugliest, our scariest, our pretty pretty princess-est photos!
Do you think we can find a way to vote for best past costume? Send me suggestions on how to do that? Cuz if you've been with us before it is CRAZY!
We could:
Direct Message Rogbark (me) with your vote after seeing everyone's link on Twitter GNO. And I can compile them later...
All vote on one of those voting things back at my blog the next day...but everyone would have to Direct Message Rogbark your entry photo?
Help? I can't think of any other way?
Run and upload your best past Halloween photo to your blog or your own photobucket account, I can't wait to see 'em.
It's not my best though. I'm saving THAT for GNO!
2 Rules this week:
FIRST: LEAVE your TWITTER @username in the name box and your TWITTER URL in the URL box. (like this: http://twitter.com/USERNAME)
SECOND: LEAVE your blog URL IF you link up to the GNO in your blog. (Sorry to be stinky about this but it's getting confusing).
Check back before Tuesday night to 'follow' everyone on the list!
Early Start Times this Week.
Jyl will take the early shift and I will take the late (as usual).
6PM Pacific Time (Oregon, California...)
7PM Mountain Time (Utah, Phoenix, and Napoleon Dynamite-ville)
8PM Central Time (Chicago, Kansas -those middle ones)
9PM Eastern Time (NYC, DC, SC and TallahaC)
Around noon-time Wednesday for you TeachingChallenges! In Australia!
{Remember to use #GNO in all your tweets}
As always contact me with questions!
Oh and PS.... Check out this contest... I think I'm disqualified from entering since he linked to me...so instead... ALL of YOU need to go enter!
I call him Mr. Ratburn.
Ask him why.
How cool is this? A real life honest to goodnes Tupperware Party?
Hosted by:
![Single Mom Meltdown](http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m280/Jenni062983/Clairesbuttoncopy-1.jpg)
Complete with games, giveaways, prizes and more!
It starts Wednesday (Oct. 8th!).
Doesn't she have an awesome blog background? Ask her where she got it?
Check my twitter URL, Don't know if it's correct! Anyway....good idea for the Haloween costumes. I don't know if I even have any good pics but I'll check.
I don't Twitter, but I see it all over the place. However, I still don't really understand the concept of a Twitter group.
And do you personally know Jay?
Oooh Ooooh! I think I can play this week! :-D
Im never gonna live down the Ratburn thing...
Thanks again Mrs Crabtree...grat contest mention...and you are still in the running...
Oh, yeah. I've got the Halloween contest in the bag. It's the UGLY category, right?
I would love to join but I don't get how to do participate. Is there a link that explains it.
K..superhero seems a bit grumpy in photo..tehe..we use all the hand me downs we can find..can you say DI UT??!! THe Bountiful one is out of control..knock you down..what the H am I doing here busy!!!
Hooray for giveaways! I will go check Mr. Ratburn out.
Cute Halloween photo!!! You guys are awesome looking!
Hey, there's a gal kissing Twilight. She needs to be my friend. 'Cause, you know (or may not know), I am kind of an expert about the books. And the movie. And all things Meyer.
A self-professed expert, but still...just putting it out there. It's not obsession...it's a profession.
I can't do a GNO on Twitter...when would I have time to BLOG???? HA!
Man, I think I'm going to have to miss it this week. Work is crazy and all my free time has been spent trying to get my freelance projects finished. Uffda. Oh, and your blog award (which is two weeks late in getting up on the blog) is awaiting you... feel free to use it as a nice paperweight.
OK, I linked up, but I screwed up the first time--sorry.
I'll try to pop in and out during the evening.
you're so smart.
Cannot figure out tinyurl.com does not work for me.
Cute Halloween photo..! Fall is my favorite time of year, and with that Halloween my favorite holiday.
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