Cowboy boots? Acceptable. Denim? Required. Guns? (Gotta draw the line somewhere!)
So much for all the fancy attorney suits he's been wearing for 10 LONG years. When you are in-house...
You are IN 'DA HOUSE, Yo.
PS. OH MY HECKERS! So tired from last night's GNO. They were still at it when I kicked in around 11:30PM. You all rock. And next week will be um...rocker? Rockier? Rockest? Oh something with a large stone in it, BETTER!
let's get the good stuff out of the way.... your hub is CUTE!
yes, last night was fun. i was a little lost, but happily so. GREAT group of ladies.
one tip for GNO: if you have anyone participating in GNO on your phone tweets, turn them off before GNO. i got over 138 tweets from a certain ROGBARK on my phone when i woke up this a.m.
*looks down at suit*
I'm jealous he gets to wear jeans, humpt.
My new job is like that too. I look wistfully at Ann Taylor, but damn these jeans and sneakers feel good.
Oh outdid yourself today. Such a great bloggy love pal.....but the attorney attire he "gets" to wear there is certainly a change. Does HE like it?
I forgot to finish my thought.....cuz it seems much more comfortable and must save some serious cashola at the dry cleaners. :)
Oh that totally makes me miss home!! There are NO pretenses..just do your D@#$ all they ask!! Also makes me miss my Dad..that's what he wears everyday as well...however check out the kind of cowboy boots they all wear..cause if you don' will also be made fun of! Oh and jammies in the store is so hip too...Hey..when are you lurking with a comment on my site TALL order?? tehe..cough..cough!!
I'm so out of the loop. Had to google gno. pathetic! ;)
Too funny about the wardrobe! My hubby tried to convince me that I could wear jeans to teach in at the community college I'm teaching at... I didn't believe him until I felt horribly overdressed for my first class. Jeans it is.
You are such a weirdo! Tell hubby hello for me, and I like the new duds. Sorry I missed GNO last night, like I said we had one of our own. Made Beaded necklaces. Glad you had such a good turn out!
For my office (when I worked at the office instead of from home), that's dressing up too...
AND I really need to get in on this it really complicated? Because if it is I don't know if me and my brain fog can handle it. :)
The gun comment totally made me laugh out loud.
That's too funny! At my job we have to wear business casual (ie to jeans or tshirts) except for Fridays, when we can wear jeans, but still no tshirts. Have to be collard shirts or blouses.
great photo - my hubs used to be able to dress like that until he was promoted about 4 years ago - ha ha - now he's DRESSED up everyday!
Sweet dress code.
sorry I didn't make it last night for the GNO, I won't make it next week either--I have a temple interview--my first ever with the Stake Pres.--wish me luck!
I bet he enjoys getting to wear comfortable clothes..
They have a dress code here at school but I get to dress like the coaches because of all the paint and getting in the floor.. : )
Love the humor coming out in your posts lately. Rockest??? Love it!
GNO was a blast last night. I remembered to bring food to the soiree, so I wasn't dying after--just tired fingers :).
Hubbie's gotta feel great in the new attire. See... what do you need a close Costco for. Oh! Yeah! All that stuff you never needed in the first place and taster's tables. I forgot!
Happy WW!
Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog! I have to say I love love love ur blog! and this post was great. Funny thing is we were actually discussing if we would go insane moving to the sticks, just this morning!
Now thats a job!
I can wear jeans on Fridays! I wish I could every day!
I am so lame and uncool for still not coming to GNO. Bah.
That is still dressed up for me---he is probably wearing shoes, and I drop those off as soon as I hit my office. Then half the time I cannot find them to do out to lunch
Hope he is enjoying himself
I could use a dress code like that!
I stuff, eh?
My husband gets to wear jeans and polos to work, which kinda drives me nuts. It's not even business casual... I'm not quite sure what to call it! I don't have to get all dressed up fancy but I am definitely looking nicer than I do on weekends. Not that men care about such things but to see him in a nice shirt and dress pants would be kinda.... hot. LOL!
My husband wears jeans and t-shirts or polo shirts to work. I'm at a school that's a little more casual than my last one; casual Friday, casual dressy the rest of the week. We dress well, but don't want to intimidate the poorer parents in the neighborhood.
Ha- Love the new attire! So does he have the pointy toe cowboy boots to go with the new look?
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