Well This. Is. It.
My own personal Blogavershury!
I'm one this month.
Yessirree. I blogged my whole year away. And to celebrate...
Build A Bear $25 Gift Card For You.
My daughter a year back wanted a bear from Build A Bear something fierce. And we said sure, but they are kind of expensive... How about you work towards earning half and we'll pay half...
And kind of like that. (I mean not that you are my kid or anything...)
But Today? I have a Build A Bear gift card for you in the amount of $25... now that will buy you an awesome bear (or Frog) and you can find great ones on the site (and they aren't naked or anything) for about that price. But if you are willing to save your pennies like my daughter.. you could have this one in time for dying 'O the river green!
$38 for Irish Dancer Happy Go Lucky...
Or this one for your very own luv bug (I know you have one).

Or this one for your very own luv bug (I know you have one).
And does everyone need a Hula Hello Kitty?
I think you do.
Okay for the boring blah blah blah.. 2 rules.I think you do.
1) when you comment (and I know you will..right!?) you MUST share at least one other person's awesome blog url with me. No you can't put your own url, that would be cheating and cause for kickoutableness.
2) you must click the cute little tweet bird and tweet about this contest... don't have a twitter account? Then post this link on your Facebook page. Don't have a Facebook page? Um.. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Just contact me and I'll hook you up with some social media good, yes it's like heroin and yes I'm the dealer in this scenario.
Yes you must complete both steps to qualify. And let's see.. This contest will end... Friday Feb. 20th at 7PM Pacific Time. Did I forget anything?
Oh yeah.Thanks for a great year!
PS. you should probably leave a way for me to contact you.. don't know how to connect your blogger profile to your email? Here's a TUTORIAL. And I'd love to have your twitter username!

Happy Blogavershury! LOL The picture of The Lovebug Brown Sugar Puppy forced me to enter. Well, @HolisticMamma has an awesome blog: http://www.holistic-show.com/. Now, I'm off to send your tweet. ;-)
I have a few favourites but BluebirdBaby tops my list. http://bluebirdbaby.typepad.com/bluebirdbaby/ Erin is smart, witty, and incredibly talented. Her photograpy is incredible.
Happy Blogavershury!!
Cathe Holden has recently started a second awesome blog titled Just Something YOU made http://justsomethingyoumade.blogspot.com/
Great Giveaway!
I just tweeted it too! http://twitter.com/Tidymom/statuses/1222545943
happy blogiversary! i think i'll let someone else win the build a bear card (although hula hello kitty is to die for!) ... keep up the good work and thank for all your help!
Happy Bogavershury! I think I've been blogging since 2006, wow, that's a lot of junk I've put out there!
Okay, blogs to visit...
New blogger and blow you off the roof funny... http://calgontakemeaway-jennisg.blogspot.com
Signing onto twitter.
happy blogavershury!
So need that Irish frog, it is way cute!
This one is not a blog, but please show some love to Project SeaHorse. They were a winner of the HP giveaway.
Happy Blogavershury!! Hello Kitty with Coconuts- I don't know?? He, He! An awesome blog- there are so many! I'll share a couple of the firsts that I found and still follow today:
Jen from Creative and Curious
I tweeted! Jen from Creative and Curious
Happy blogavershury!
My favorite blog is metropolitan mama @
Now going to tweet (breasmommy)
Wow! There have been so many build a bear giveaways! A site I love is Mommy and Beyond... Amy is so craty and amazing. Go check out her latest projects. http://mommyandbeyond.blogspot.com
Oh and Happy Blogavershury!
I retweeted your tweet-my twitter id @bellabuttercup!
cool giveaway - I have yet to take my kids to this joint!
Okay okay! I am entering lol I recommend ElementarySpirits.com!
Happy Blogaversary!
I have tweeted and here is another great blog to check out: http://www.momjustlikeyou.blogspot.com/
Happy blogovershury!
So cool! I think you should check out http://fitzhugh-life.blogspot.com/
She's so much fun!
Another great blog would be my mom's over at http://lovingheartdesigns.blogspot.com/
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/erinlowmaster/statuses/1223595082
Happy 1st Blogoversary!
I tweetered you, follow you, and we already facebook :)
Here's a place I like to visit:
Happy Blogiversary!!! I just recently had mine! Giveaways are so fun! Thanks for the opportunity!
Claudine is a wonderful artist and has her own line of Fabulous products now! http://www.collageartist.com/
Artful Blessings,
ok here are the blogs of two fine ladies !
Happy Blogavershury!!
I gave ya a TWEET!!!
Thanks again!
P.S. this automatically updates my FB too! :)
Happy blog-a-versary! I'm so glad you went on-line :)
One of my favorite blogs: Mom-101. Always fabulous exept the posting up right now is not her most fabulous - make sure and scroll down or visit again another time - I promise you'll lover her, too!). Now the link: http://mom-101.blogspot.com/
And I'm off to my facebook page to post the link :)
Happy one year blogging anniversary! My ten year anniversary is coming up in September of 2011... crazy. Time really does fly!
Anyway, I absolutely love Build-a-Bear! My husband and I made animals for each other (bear for him, cat for me) back when we were dating in 2000 and 2001. Now we take our four and a half year old daughter there every few months. ;)
That said, I highly recommend dasbecca.com! She doesn't update as frequently as she used to, but I love her blog entries.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
(My email address is x@jenn.nu)
Happy Blogavershury!
I clicked the bird and tweeted.
I really like this blog
My favorite blog is http://unclebob.diaryland.com/ - probably the blog the introduced me to blogging to begin with!
Oh, and I'm @ragingtech - I tweeted about your post.
Happy Anniversary!
I will share with you
And I am off to Tweet right now!
SO glad to see you posting up a storm again! :-D
Hello! Thanks for stopping by Creative and Curious! Here's my twitter ID:
Have a great night!!
Ok, I am going to present to you The Blue Yak. Perhaps you know him, but if not he's a pretty damn funny guy out in Pennsylvania (I say that like PA is a third world country). Here it is - http://thatblueyak.blogspot.com/. And I am off to tweet you up....www.twitter.com/cameronrodseth. My daughter has a bear and son has a dog from Build a Bear, but girl would flip out over that Hula Hello Kitty.
I love http://dineanddish.net/
Happy Blogaversiary!
Happy Blogavershury!
Great contest!!!
Happy Blogavershury Carissa !
Thank You for letting me know about this giveaway. My 3 yr. old would love this, I bet she would pick the Hula Hello Kitty. And as far as awesome blogs, I have just found a blog called Life In Grace, which I LOVE, her url is : http://lifeongrace.blogspot.com/
well worth looking at if you havent been there already. Now I am gonna go Tweet ya, so Thanks again for the chance and ttys within the blogosphere, I see u everywhere too ;)
Beth AKA Plussizemommy
Here is my Tweet http://twitter.com/PlusSizeMommy/status/1225354698
Mom2Ways (Twitter)
Here are some great blogs:
(And no, none of them are mine!)
I tweeted here...
And here is one of my fave blogs...
thanks for the giveaway
Happy Day to that what you call it Blogavershury? My girls would love another build a bear. My husband would kill me, but oh well. So I set up a tweet it account but I am not sure what to do from there. but I will put your site on my blog. I am always for a fun contest!
I forgot new site to share http://dejalarsen.blogspot.com This blogging world is all new to me.
HAPPY - HAPPY - HAPPY! My anniversary must be coming up soon, too. Maybe.
Here is one of my very favorites:
I have three grown bears, so give it to someone else.
Happy Blogavershury (hmmm, that's a mouthful!). That Irish frog is so, so cute!! And my husband's even Irish...though not as cute as the frog!
Here is one of my favorite blogs:
I tweeted as karenladd! In fact, I tweeted twice!
happy happy! :)
1) http://winningmommys.blogspot.com/
2) twittered
Happy Blogiversary! Congrats to you. :) That little Love Bug Brown Sugar Puppy is so cute. I want, I want. :)
I haven't had a chance to join in for #GNO but hope to soon.
Blogs I like are:
Ok, off to tweet tweet. :)
Happy Blogaversary to you...!!!
What a cool giveaway...I have a niece who would KILL for this prize!
So here is one of my favorite blogs to read:
I just tweeted!
Here is my tweet: http://twitter.com/MomMostTraveled/status/1229951737
Some blogs I like are:
Of course I spend a lot of time on my own blog as well. ;)
onlycancan ta hotmail tod com
I have always wanted to be able to take my son to Build a Bear and actually buy something. I admit we went in there just to look once and I felt so guilty not buying him something after he went around a picked out superhero bear pj's and undies.
Happy Blogavershury! @eas211
Umm, I have so many good blogs I follow.
Check out http://www.oneprettything.com/ for awesome DIY craft ideas from around the net!
And I am off to tweet, I am Spookygirl!
Congrats and happy blogeversay!!
Check out http://www.fresnofamous.com/blog
MsClovisEskimo on twitter!!
Hey there...I love to read Aunt Twisty's ranting on a daily basis. You can reach her here:
I also tweeted for you as well.
I love the Hello Kitty "bear". My 26 year old daughter is STILL infatuated with her Asian charm! Take care and Happy Blogaversary!
I highly recommend the blog of @nissanicole http://the-aries.blogspot.com/
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