Ever have one of those days?
Where you get rear-ended by a TOW TRUCK of all things??
Can someone please define irony?
Oh it gets better. When I called the Tow Truck company.. they had the obscene audacity to tell me the driver claims I 'rolled' backwards into THE GIANT TOW TRUCK for pete's sake. I was all?? Are you Serious? I was turning right, still rolling forward a bit, checking the oncoming traffic.. anyway.. GRRRR
And then.....
I returned home to this.............
YES. The dreaded blue screen on my computer.. and a horrifying error message that said, HP is working to reboot your system.. this could take several minutes... you will lose any recently installed software.... {insert scary movie music.}
3 HOURS later.....
That same error screen was flashing and appeared to be still working? I did my best to be patient.
But what I was really thinking was...
When did I last run a backup? And. Don't bad things always come in threes? What's next? I refused to leave the house the whole rest of the day. We ate frozen pizza and popcorn for dinner just in case.
Oh. PS. The computer came back {can you tell?} Get this.
It uninstalled MSN messenger????
Thanks for the nice blog redo comments. Wanna hear the best compliment I got?
"Did your friend LeeLou do this for you?"
I was sooooo happy.
Cuz ahem... no she did not!
And did you read some of the comments about what age people are willing to give a child a cell phone..?
You might be interested in the responses.. scroll down a bit to see the poll.
Lol, sorry but that IS ironic. I've had those days. Doesn't it make you feel like just laughing? I'm not sure, but I don't think I've been here before, unless I have and you have a new look. Or my memory is shot.
I think we've all had this kind of day. I can truly relate to the tow truck incident, but in our case, a huge chunk of ice blew off the top of a moving truck and crashed through the front window; leaving us covered in glass but unhurt. They finally paid because they did have a truck location in the vicinity - what?!
I hope it all works out for the best! And I'm not taking a guess at the bumper - LOL!
Now that is a crappy day! And computer issues make me so depressed.
wow what a day1 so glad you all weren't hurt...off to vote in the poll
I'm sorry....but i'm LoL'ing....yep....because i've been there done that...too many times....you're too cute and funny! ♥ and the blog ROCKS!!! love the new look!
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