I was so excited when I realized that Quinn's Moms Who Make It conference was scheduled when I was going to be in Utah! I finally got to meet some of my fave Utah bloggers/tweeters and more! (You'd think I'd have met them while I LIVED there huh??)
Some great moments for me were:
Big Thanks to Marcel Walker for 'donating' this real photo to my blog today! She rocks.. check out her photog stuff, if you are in Utah.. You'll be happy you did! (@rawmelissa, @quinncurtis, @sugarjones, @todaysmama, @wasatchwoman, @startupprincess)
Some great moments for me were:

- Meeting up with Pam Baumeister the editor of Wasatch Woman. Pregnant and all.. how I wish I'd gotten a photo of her cute self!
- MEETING the cookies made by the Dough Girl! (I mean meeting Tami the Dough Girl..)
- Listening to Sugar Jones talking about ways we all can overcome the crap thrown at us.
- Being amazed by Cari Greers story. Her face was almost literally ripped off during a horrible car accident, she was able to recover and keep her chin up..
- Hearing Kelly King-Anderson talk about her life and the ways she keeps the spiritual IN it!
- Did I mention cookies? (Oh my gosh the Ginger ones...!) Dough Girl promises me she will ship them to Oregon soon!
- Riding in a car with the MomFaves team to get a coffee/soda...
- Brainstorming ways to use social media for a local photographer: Marcel Walker.
- Sittin' in the BACK of the room with supermomcentral for the break out sessions!
(Dude— Lauren: Like.. did you take any pictures? I have none of ya!)

And now.. the ultimate Utah #followfriday
Moms Who Make It List:
Moms Who Make It List:
Whew! My fingers are tired... and I'm totally missing some! I'll keep updating this list... please send me any if you have them!? Thanks!