Vancouver, British Columbia

What would a trip to Vancouver be without a couple of Mountie Sightings?

While on our 15th Anniversary Reunion Tour to Seattle. We took one day and a night and drove to Vancouver, BC. Home of the upcoming Winter Olympics, The Inukshuk Mascot, Stanley Park, Gorgeous Scenery and Rogers Chocolates (who knew we're so famous!?)!

A photo Journey:

The view outside our hotel window harborview, and the same harbor from the other side of the pond.

Stanley Park Gardens! Is that straight out of a magazine or what? And the famous Gastown Steam powered clock. (The first ever it turns out.. I thought, WOW it must be REALLY REALLY old.. guess how old? 1970s.. huh??) Oh well.. it's such a fabulous part of the city, walking streets and shopping and cobblestone sidewalks...

I'm completing my collection of flags. I couldn't resist and have about 100 shots just like this one!
And Ohmygosh... the money! I'm such a geek I know but I love playing with the Canadian money, the 20 with the Queen on it is funny to me for some reason. And don't even get me started on the whole Looney and Twooney business!

Next complete the big anniversary tour... That Gigantic Surprise... I was going to stick it in this post... but I have a LOT of photos...!

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


