I Can Pears... Can You?

Learn how to bottle pears!
Canning is easy.

Pretty huh?
Tasty too, and come January and February...the perfect lunch treat!
I love pears with cottage cheese!

goodncrazy blue dots

Sanitize your bottles. I run the extra sanitize on my dishwasher but really hot soapy water works too. But new lids, but the old rings on your jars are fine. I prefer wide mouth jars.

canning pears tutorial
Prepare your pears. You really can't get around peeling them by hand.. so wash 'em up, dig in and peel away! I like using a medium sized melon-baller to carve out the core after slicing in half.

Helpers are good!

Add 1 cup hot water (tap is fine) and 1/4 cup sugar per jar. This year I tried using 1 teaspoon of a fruit preserver as well. (Contains acid and helps keep the pears from turning brown.)

Pack your pears in as tight as you can get them, leaving a half inch or so below the neck of the jar, then fill with additional water to the neck of the jar. After 7 of your jars are filled wipe the openings well with a wet washcloth. Boil your lids for 1 minute and carefully place on the jars with the rings and hand tightening.

canning pears tutorial

Place the jars in your water bath. Fill the bath with warm water til about 1 inch over the jar lids. Bring to a low boil and time for 20-25 minutes.

canning pears tutorial
Remove the jars and let cool slowly on your countertop. You'll hear the lids seal and pop the rest of the afternoon. And if any don't seal (you can press down on the lid to test if it moves) no worries, refridgerate and eat those in the next few days!

I picked these pears myself in a U-pick orchard in a neighboring town.
Look around and see if there are any U-pick apple orchards in your area? They should be 'on' right now all over the country! At least go buy some fresh apple cider!

Supplies Needed:
Water Bath Canner
Canning Tools
Jars, Lids and Rings

I call my mom when I need help...
Here are a couple canning websites:

And in case anyone is listening??
I really want a pressure cooker maybe for next mother's day?
The best way to bottle tomatoes and other great recipes like chili, soups or salsa!

Comments (25)

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That's it? You don't have to cook the pears first? That's awesome and so easy!! I am going to can some of my pears off my tree next year:-)
1 reply · active 805 weeks ago
NOPE!! And peaches are even easier.. you 'blanche' them first and the peels slide right off in cool water... then the rest of the steps are the same! Call me I'll walk you thru it the next time you have boxes and boxes of pears!!
Great tutorial!!! My family LOVES pears. :)
1 reply · active 805 weeks ago
With the right supplies I promise it's EASY!!
I LOVE pears...not so much cottage cheese though! Ok now I must go grab some pears!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Isn't it like UN-American to not love cottage cheese?
I totally ate it as a kid so often... but my kids all HATE it? Go figure...
I love the step by step instructions!

I love pears too!
Can you come to my house....I love pears and I love canned fruit and veggies. I love food art! Yummo sister!
That looks awesome!
I love this! Our 8 mnth old LOOOOVVVVES pears!

I'm definitely following, and look forward to more reading.

Thanks for taking the time to visit Coach Your Mind~ much appreciated!

wow, that seems so easy... who knew!?
Oh this does look easy! Thank you so much--I will definitely try it!

Happy WW : )
I love canning!!! What a great way to spend the day...
Seems like alot of work but not to difficult plus in a few months you have a tasty treat. My mothers likes to jar stuff like pickels and peaches. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful photo! Very neat how-to as well. I have always wondered how to preserve fruit like this. Thanks for the info.! :)

Happy Mostly Wordless Wednesday
That's one fruit that I've never put up. You make it look so easy!
So does the sugar completely disolve when the jars are boiled? I adore pears with cottage cheese, too.
1 reply · active 805 weeks ago
Yup but it's mostly dissolved in the warm water at first anyway...
I don't can pears, but I love to eat canned pears. Nice pics!
Yummy...I would like and entire pantry full of canned pears and peaches!
Can I buy some from you? ;) I don't think I'd have the patience!!
Very interesting. I'll have to try this, I make pickled eggplant and stuffed cherry hot peppers but never did fruit. Didn't know how...Thanks

Yummy! That looks like fun for the whole family.
I so want to bottle some pears right now. Yours look absolutely beautiful & yummy!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Prince Valiant actually does know how to drive. It's like the only perk of living in the boondocks!
Quilao Triplets's avatar

Quilao Triplets · 804 weeks ago

You rock! Looks like a fun project for helpers:)

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