#LearnNplay: Let's Rock Your Child's Learning Experience!

Sponsorship Disclosure:
For the Month of October GoodNCrazy will be sponsored by Knowledge Adventure.

Jumpstart.com #learnNplay wii games children

{What does that mean?}
It means Knowledge Adventure (creators of Jumpstart.com) has agreed to help send me to Blogworld and SITScation in Las Vegas. I get to share Jumpstart treats and goodies with the other bloggers at the conventions! I also get to help spread the word that Jumpstart would like to work with other bloggers... And stay tuned... I get to share some exciting new games and prizes coming out later in the month!

As a clear and open disclaimer I want to let everyone know that when I am using Twitter and Facebook and you see me using the hashtag:


It will be because:

1. I love Jumpstart. The product. The people. And because my kids have used Jumpstsart computer games since they were toddlers and could barely click a mouse!

2. I will be compensated and have agreed to:
  • mention the products I already use and love
  • share about exciting new products coming out
  • help reveal the new Jumpstart Wii game
  • let everyone in on a big upcoming contest and giveaway that will go live later in the month on the Jumpstart.com Blog!

goodncrazy blue dots

Feel free to Jump in! #learnNplay is for everyone!

Moms. Dads. Aunts. Friends. Pets? And of course... KIDS!

  • How do YOU learn as you play?
  • How do your kids?
  • How do the grandparents get involved?
  • Where do you learn new things and where do you play?

goodncrazy blue dots

Great #learnNplay ideas from Jumpstart:

Play Petz Bingo. Free Downloadable Game Sheets with Jumptastic pets as Bingo slots!

Create your own Fall Wreath with your kids! Simple and easy and your kids will love exploring the neighborhood to 'research' leaf designs!

And for Halloween? Boo-Tiful Bat Crafts! Help kids with their motor skills and color recognition then play with your decorations!

MORE #learnNplay ideas: Flowery Pencil Pots, Science Projects with Vinegar and Baking Soda, The Bubbling Cauldren

Check out My Review of the Current Jumpstart Wii Game:

And introducing the newest area of the Jumpstart.com 3D interactive online game:


Comments (2)

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Well All Righty then - JumpStart right in with both feet and let me know how it works out for ya. Sounds like a cool endeavor and experience.

The Old Silly
Leo Watkins's avatar

Leo Watkins · 803 weeks ago

To play bingo games like Petz looks fun, I like their graphics, looks cute.

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Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


