For the Month of October GoodNCrazy will be sponsored by Knowledge Adventure.
{What does that mean?}
It means Knowledge Adventure (creators of has agreed to help send me to Blogworld and SITScation in Las Vegas. I get to share Jumpstart treats and goodies with the other bloggers at the conventions! I also get to help spread the word that Jumpstart would like to work with other bloggers... And stay tuned... I get to share some exciting new games and prizes coming out later in the month!
As a clear and open disclaimer I want to let everyone know that when I am using Twitter and Facebook and you see me using the hashtag:
It will be because:
1. I love Jumpstart. The product. The people. And because my kids have used Jumpstsart computer games since they were toddlers and could barely click a mouse!
2. I will be compensated and have agreed to:
- mention the products I already use and love
- share about exciting new products coming out
- help reveal the new Jumpstart Wii game
- let everyone in on a big upcoming contest and giveaway that will go live later in the month on the Blog!

Feel free to Jump in! #learnNplay is for everyone!
Moms. Dads. Aunts. Friends. Pets? And of course... KIDS!
- How do YOU learn as you play?
- How do your kids?
- How do the grandparents get involved?
- Where do you learn new things and where do you play?
Great #learnNplay ideas from Jumpstart:
MORE #learnNplay ideas: Flowery Pencil Pots, Science Projects with Vinegar and Baking Soda, The Bubbling Cauldren
Check out My Review of the Current Jumpstart Wii Game:
And introducing the newest area of the 3D interactive online game:
Marvelous Marvin · 804 weeks ago
The Old Silly
Leo Watkins · 803 weeks ago