Misfortune Cookies?

Funniest website I've seen in a REALLY long time.
(OR....'What Does Google Think?')

Someone mentioned a party they attended where the host gave everyone a 'MisFortune Cookie'.
I thought. What a great idea.
And then I thought. What does Google think about that...?
Google thought... about a Facebook App (of course) and descriptions of The Twilight Zone TV show, and plenty of other sites blogging and selling and talking about misfortune cookies.

By far the best site Google thought about is:

Ahem.. are they talking about me??

They have a whole section of Misfortune Cookie Phrases and I promise I don't mean to steal from them but they are seriously funny! Right on the page with the first misfortune it says:

"Click again cookie for more dishonor"
Prosperity belongs when no message in box! But to tempt fate, send to us email and we will dissatisfy you.

Oh my gosh, hilarious.

goodncrazy blue dots

Here are a few of the best ones. (And then promise me you will click over for your VERY own Misfortune Cookie!)

PhotobucketYou regard free speech not as a right but as a never-ending obligation.
PhotobucketAt the rate you give people headaches, you should buy stock in Excedrin.

Happy New Year Misfortunes:

PhotobucketEnjoy your cellular phone while you can, it has given you a brain tumor.
PhotobucketYour life will be long and happy - - no, wait. Sorry... Do you know a Kendrick Applebaum?

May love and misfortune shine down on you.

Photo credits
background image for question mark: photoxpress.com
fortune cookie: freedigitalphotos.net Carlos Porto

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


