Little Random Acts of Kindness

You've Been 'RAK'ed!
This week is National Random Acts of Kindess Week!
And TODAY is #RAK day!

kindness bugs

On Twitter, or Facebook, Text a friend...Comment on a blog...use #RAK to leave your random kindness mark all day long.

What? RAK = huh?
You can do this!

Heck... pay for the person's lunch behind you.. and write on the top of the receipt:
"you've been RAKed!"

goodncrazy blue dots

I have a few RAK stories.
Not stories where I was the giver of kindness..
instead either I was the recipient or the observer...

PhotobucketMy pal Tiffany from heard me Twitter-whining a few weeks back... and she totally surprised me with a gift certificate from to purchase these two books! She did NOT have to do it, and when I protested and apologized for whining so publicly.. she insisted. I loved the books and now when I think about these stories.. I'll be able to think of her random act of kindness!
(And Guess what...? I totally am passing these books on... ! A sort of 'BookItForward' over at her place this week!... Go leave a comment if you'd like to win these books!)

PhotobucketWhat's better than a Sister Teaching her little Brother to Read?

PhotobucketAnd Last:
Look what I made for you mom!!
You have got to love kid's artwork when they have worked this hard... can you see the miniature hammock on the palm trees... yeah I wish I were THERE!
And.. the Lincoln Log architecture, does that look like a proud face or what?

goodncrazy blue dots

Want some more RAK goodness?
RAK posts I've seen this week.. I'll add more as I see them.. holler if you have one!


To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I saw a tweet from you yesterday with #Rak. sO WONDERFUL. I'm totally going to play.
I wanna win I wanna win I wanna win!!! And I will even RAK it forward and pass something along!

By the way, I love the RAK idea. Awesome.
what a cool idea! love your posts...#3 child - the boy - loves lincoln logs and made a "surprise for me"...I should have thought to take a picture...I'll remember it next time. & the mom in this house loves tulips too...and the hubby should own stock in Mt. Dew as much as he consumes.
I had no idea today was Random Act of Kindness Day! Must go out and do some good in the world:) Hey...maybe that's why the neighbour is going nuts shoveling everyone's driveway todau! Yeah him!
They likewise contend that, seeing someone, consideration, true individual feeling, involves despising and being despised that is, truly feeling accessible disappointments and through this going to an all the more genuine relationship. Genuine graciousness is a trade with basically unusual outcomes.
Williams M.'s avatar

Williams M. · 389 weeks ago

Well if I talk about best online resume service and myself then my little day’s kindness act was not to hurt someone with my words. So I always tried to think a lot before speaking anything in front of anybody. I think this is the reason that people never get angry from me. Because I didn't hurt them with my words and acts.

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Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


