Ode To The Random

A Tweet:
Sheesh. Why did I stay up so late last night? (Watching Jack's ambivalence about saving the world again. That' s why.) Now heading to the gym doesn't sound as good as it did last night...

Sunday naps are the BEST. Until you realize you can't go to sleep at any sort of normal time and the kids STILL need lunches made Monday morning. (And then Sunday naps SUCK.)

I'm stinkin' excited! I have begun a small project for MemoryMixer.com. You can now find me on Twitter as @MemoryMixer for a few weeks.. how fun is that!?

My pal Julie of LeeLouBlogs is having a Birthday.
And what does she do? She gives away free Valentine Card Templates! If you have MemoryMixer.com software or Photoshop you can add your own photos to these cards and send some virtual love to loved ones... or maybe that should be Real love... virtually?? Or something. (Oh go tell her happy birthday already!)

goodncrazy blue dots
Have a GoodNCrazy Valentine's!

(Created from one of the free templates Julie gave out!)

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


