Outside With Lil Boo

Let's go outside to see the view!
A children's book from A to Z with an inquisitive little boy and his delightful elephant buddy.

Book Review
Author: Cameron Davison (AKA Daddy Bookins)
Illustrator: Dania Piotti
Cost: $14.95 plus shipping

goodncrazy blue dots
The whole book is written in a playful prose and I'm truly smitten with the cheery illustrations! Lil Boo heads outside to see the view... and finds an alphabet of discoveries waiting for him.
From: 'Ants to birds—have you heard?'
'Let's be quiet... they need their rest.'
And: 'Eggplant to floating—these ducks are gloating!'

The best part is that the whole alphabet thing is subtle. Kids don't realize they are working their way from O to P to Q, instead enjoying the illustrations and the Oranges, Potatoes and Quail!

Cameron Davison is also the creator of PeasAndBananas.com and tweets as @peasandbananas. He shares his little boy's 'Boo'isms' weekly and cracks me up daily!

PhotobucketDaddy Bookins is the pen name of Cameron Davison, the daddy blogger of Peas and Bananas. Teamed up with the Mrs. and an IV of espresso, together the duo have been learning and living life through the trials and tribulations of raising a toddler – better known as Lil Boo.

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


