Fast Food Library

I love that my library has an online 'hold' system. This saves me actually having to walk around the library, (who has the time? all those books calling out to you--'Hollywood, come and get me, Hollywood'), and the book you might want probably isn't in. Instead I get to spend a little extra time helping my 3 year old find a book or (can you imagine) read to the poor bugger!

--This part might be better than the hold thing. There is a drive up slot where you can drop off your books. Wouldn't it be lovely if I could pick up my books on hold at the same window? Here's my idea for the week:

Arby's should merge with the local libraries. That way I could pick up lunch and my latest book in one jump. Leaving all that extra time for....well, blogging seems to be the main thing right now. Oh yeah, and doing that mom thing.


Wall Candy said...

I think that sounds like a great idea! It would work better for us if we could start with the fast food part! Then we could work our way up to the fast food library! :)

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

You don't have a McDonald's even?

Wall Candy said...

No kind of drive through anything! I can't wait to go to RS next week and have a fast food burger! Is that sad?!?

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


