What I want for my birthday....part 4

I would truly love a set of these:
And of course if I have those I will need a new pair of these:

But you understand by now... all I'm really getting this year is.....

Picture curtesy of Xenia.com.br from morguefiles.com

Isn't it nice? It's just what I've always wanted. And really it costs very little to obtain. For the person who's hard to shop for? The perfect gift.

This, this, and this are also on my list.


Kaye Butler said...

I know what you mean about the lone blogger thing!

Keep it comming your blog is interesting!!!!!!


I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

LOL ROFL! Still laughing. Too funny!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Glad I can cheer up your day, now it's off to attend to my cheeks.

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

That is hilarious. I have some of those that I would like to get rid of. If you get the exercise stuff for your birthday, you will have to let me know how it works!

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


