But for now...
The photos will have to do.
Before the movers...ALL THOSE BOXES.
A 'DETOUR'. (I'm blaming Melanie...we TOTALLY missed the turn off).
(What gas tanks in Fields, Oregon Look like.) You do realize you cannot pump your own gas in Oregon? Cute 17 year old young uns pump it for you. I soooo wanted to take a pic. of this kid for you. I didn't.
AND...the rental house waiting empty for us to sleep on it.
After a night in the local hotel...wake up bright and early to THIS:
After another truck came to 'raise' the traler, they were able to drive around THE WAY WE TOLD THEM in the first place and get right to the house. So all was well.
Except for this.
Can you tell what's in this (now busted to pieces) Poster Frame?
That's it. I still have no internet in our house. Ahem...'borrowing' from the local hotel...*don't tell*. And yes IT IS killing me. But kids are all enrolled in school, know who their teachers will be and have just today met 3 kids who live 3 doors down who will all be in the same grades! And I have 15+ bags to make, just as soon as I find my sewing machine.

I so totally am glad it is not me! I think I am having flashbacks to last year! Hopefully the very worst is behind you now and it will get better from here!
I do not envy you! I totally hate moving...but good luck with everything!:)
I have to say its just good to have you back, even if you are hi-jacking the local hotel internet.
We've all missed you!
Oh girl...a move..ugh! Good luck getting it all sorted out and email me your new address, etc when you get a minute.
Missed ya!
Ahh, honey. So glad to hear you're all safe & sound In Oregon, though. I've missed you & have been worried about ya!
My advice: throw money at the problem. Even if you don't have the money - throw borrowed money at the problem. Hire people you can boss around while hubby is at work & kids are at school - ie. "Unpack that box there", "break down the empty boxes & put them there. No - I said, there.", "Scrub and clean that. No, use this sponge". You'll be glad you did! the key is that you can boss hired people around - nice helpful people on the other hand, you just have to smile at them no matter what. Not as good.
The thought that this could be me soon is making me a bit panicky. When we moved from MA our semi got high centered as well. I almost had a nervous break down....he almost knocked down my neighbors mailbox and she was not happy....:) Don't you just love that you can't pump your own gas here?
I am glad you got to Oregon safe. I remember the days of moving. YUCK! The only good thing is that you have to go through everything. It is a way to get rid of junk!
Yay you made it!
So just a bit of unpacking and you will be back in blogging world!
Congrats on finally arriving at your new place. It gets easier from here. (Really, it does.) As a cat person, I must ask: is your kitty wearing a little travel outfit? It looks adorable.
:) Robin
aka Cinnamon and Honey
At least you made it there safe and sound...minus one Yoda poster!
You'll have that place looking box free in no time!
I have been wondering about you! I am so glad you made it pretty much in one piece. I think we have the same table and chairs.
Sorry, sorry, sorry about the whole stress of the move. We'll have to email/talk a bit more about why the move.
You'll probably grow to love the chaos and everything else that comes with relocation, etc.
Keep us posted.
love ya.
Yeah! You posted. Love the sign about the porta potties. Gotta hand it to them for giving you options. Apparently, the cat wouldn't have taken them up on it ;)!
Good luck moving in. I need to search and see where this city is. Not green? Oregon? I am confused! So happy that it is your hubby's dream job, though.
I'll chat with you soon. Enjoy the newness.
Glad you made it there, and the cat didn't cause any problems on the way.
About Yoda, Sorry I am.
That last picture with all the boxes looks exactly as our house did when I came home from the hospital after having baby #4. We moved in to our house the day before he was born.
I'm looking forward to hearing about Texas Jake.
I was SAD to see pictures of your empty house. I'll miss visiting you there. I still can't get over that you are in the middle of nowhere Oregon!
Good luck with everything!
Texas Jake??? What turn off did you miss? te-he (just had to chuckle, sorry). Oh and by the way there are a couple of good gas stations...Albertsons (the best and cheap) and Fred Meyers (slow but you will see that is how KF runs..cheap and on your side of town).
So glad you made it there!!
So glad you made it safely and the move went relatively okay!!
That sign is hilarious! I would not want to use a porta-potty in the parking lot.
Wow ... I don't envy you. I had to move with TWO CATS from Scottsdale, AZ to Los Angeles, CA. They were not so good. Their pathetic meowing went on for the entire 6.5 hour drive.
Great to hear that you're settling in & that your kids have found friends nearby! That will make things easier. :)
glad you made it safely! I don't think I could have gone in that porta potty, yuck, but you do what you gotta do!
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