Update on the holy wow crazy fun first Twitter GNO?
I could barely keep up with everything going on and I think everyone figured it out VERY quickly. You can too. Try to make it next Tuesday! We'll be there at 8PM Pacific time...That's 11PM EST for my East Coast pals (JiggetyJig that means you) 9Pm Utah time, and 10PM for Arkansas friends (I think)? Jocasta? I'll wait up for you....VERY FUN.

i love a random froggy! super cute, does it even NEED a purpose byond cuteness?!
cute - I think it is a hat?
Hmm... Invitation to a pool party? A pop-up card wishing you will get over the frog in your throat?
A froggy decoy?
Beats me!
Since I'm wrong, what IS it for?
Sorry I missed the Twittering.
haven't got a clue!
Last night was fun. Thanks for the invite!
I guess I am twitter slow! I am not sure what twittering is and what you do. Send me an email with an explanation so I don't have to be left out of the loop!
Not sure what it is....maybe some sort of homemade carnival game??
Sorry, I missed the girls night. Glad you had fun though.
Are you still making hair things too?
what it's not a real frog?
Last night was so much fun - will see you next week
Twitter newbie here!! :Raising hand: I tried... really I did. It was past my bedtime. Hopefully I'll stay awake next week. :)
college art class? :-)
11 pm! That's past my bedtime! Crap. I miss all the good stuff!
A toy bin...
The GNO was a blast last night. I would have stayed up later if I wasn't sick. Too fun! I'll have to come to the next one...I'll bring Reece's Peanut Butter Cups fo sho!
I will have to plan on being awake for it next week -
My email is ksmccallaghan at hotmail dot com
And my Twitter name is:
Its the green frog that YARM13YOL rescued from the clutches of Tim the night it fell from the ceiling to our bed right in the middle of his bare sleeping chest!
I bet froggy misses us(well maybe not Tim, I think Tim was going to commit murder)
of course, it's kermit's cousin...and he's at an art show!
Mr Linky is back up so I'm going to add you now.
Had so much fun last night. We need to get everyone to join.
I think this is a prop for a school play.
Cute frog! I would guess that it's a toilet paper cover. What? It looks like it would fit right over the roll!
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