I saw One2One Network's offer to review the new Broadway Cast recording of the 'Arena-Rock Love Story' Rock of Ages...
And my first thought was:
'Oh my gosh.. my husband will PEE. His. Pants!'
I was never a huge fan of metal/rock/hair bands... more a folksy/alternative kinda gal.
But..my husband?
First.. he's an over the top Broadway Junkie. Complete with high school and community thespian participation. (He played Pharoah in Joseph and the Amazing.... My kids get a total kick when he turns on his inner 'actor' or his radio voice.)
Second.. (and this part kills me) My now attorney husband was also a serious metal head in high school?? I'm all huh? I kid you not he's proud of the fact he saw KISS in concert 3 separate times... (Just thinking about Gene Simmons and his tongue and his sexual escapades is enough to give me the dry heaves!)
But guess what? I didn't have to turn this review over to the hubby... I totally loved a bunch of the songs on this recording!? Would I go see the musical if it came within a five hour drive of me??
YES. (I think the hubster would stop talking to me anyway if I said no!)
So what's in this CD??
Come on FEEEEL the NOISE.. Girls Rock Your Boys...!
This is the first musical line on the Rock of Ages recording..
And a character early on introduces himself:
I prefer my stagename: Wolfgang Von Colt! (How adorable? No?)
Funny how songs and music I thought were completely over the top harsh, loud etc.. come across as fun and toe tappin'? I'm wondering, did I change in all these years, or did the music?? For sure I think a lot of these songs have been 'Broadway-ified'.
From the beat... to the baseline... to the (much less than expected) screaming/screeching in most of the songs.
And? There were several songs that are WAY before my time that I totally didn't realize how much I liked/recognized?
Songs like:
Sister Christian
I Wanna Rock
Can't Fight This Feeling
Shadows of the Night
In fact they remind me of my older siblings... when I was a kid watching them get ready for a date while jamming to these tunes. And one song: "We Built This City".. reminds me of my baby brother who would sing the chorus in his toddler-speak and crack everyone up, even grown ups who had no idea what song he was singing!
Plus some of the songs, tho I didn't love as a kid, (yet couldn't help hearing all over the radio..) surprised me at the nostalgic thoughts. Like it or hate it: "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" is going to bring back some sort of memories of your youth if you are any day over 27yrs old?? Same for "Wanted Dead or Alive"... I know you are singing those titles in your head right now aren't you? Impossible NOT to!
Like is often the case with a broadway recording.. you really don't get the full gist of what's going on in the story? The best I can tell you is it's set in a Sunset Strip Rock Joint, and a small town girl meets a big city dreamer and... (YUP) they fall in love. But for the sake of listening to this while jogging (and believe me it's awesome for working out) who cares what's going on!? The music has the perfect beat for the treadmill set to about a 7!
PS? In case you're wondering? The hubby stole my copy almost as fast as I got it opened... uploaded it to his iPod and THEN let me have a shot at it! And I think I can gaurantee that the next time we're in New York.. Rock Of Ages will be on our PLAY-list!
And? There were several songs that are WAY before my time that I totally didn't realize how much I liked/recognized?
Songs like:
Sister Christian
I Wanna Rock
Can't Fight This Feeling
Shadows of the Night
In fact they remind me of my older siblings... when I was a kid watching them get ready for a date while jamming to these tunes. And one song: "We Built This City".. reminds me of my baby brother who would sing the chorus in his toddler-speak and crack everyone up, even grown ups who had no idea what song he was singing!
Plus some of the songs, tho I didn't love as a kid, (yet couldn't help hearing all over the radio..) surprised me at the nostalgic thoughts. Like it or hate it: "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" is going to bring back some sort of memories of your youth if you are any day over 27yrs old?? Same for "Wanted Dead or Alive"... I know you are singing those titles in your head right now aren't you? Impossible NOT to!
Like is often the case with a broadway recording.. you really don't get the full gist of what's going on in the story? The best I can tell you is it's set in a Sunset Strip Rock Joint, and a small town girl meets a big city dreamer and... (YUP) they fall in love. But for the sake of listening to this while jogging (and believe me it's awesome for working out) who cares what's going on!? The music has the perfect beat for the treadmill set to about a 7!
PS? In case you're wondering? The hubby stole my copy almost as fast as I got it opened... uploaded it to his iPod and THEN let me have a shot at it! And I think I can gaurantee that the next time we're in New York.. Rock Of Ages will be on our PLAY-list!