We did find a nice house to rent, so that is one HUGE stress to stop worrying about.
But the packing. Stressing over this house. And the packing?! I know there are so many out there with a lot worse problems than a husband who has just found his dream job and needs his family to move 2 states away so he can enjoy that dream job?
But right now, it is so giving me grief. (Good thing I don't have time to pee, much less think on it, or I'd be a complete boobing mess!)
Okay quick reviews today, sorry they are short, I swear it's not that I don't love these ladies. Cuz. I do.
Okay-- for the longest time I thought this gal’s name was Don. Which is fine of course, so Mills must be her last name? So She's Don and she's a Diva? But no. I’m a dunce. Don Mills is the town in
I loved these two posts. One right after Blogher (I guess there was some hullabaloo over Mommy Blogging not being real?--I wasn't there, so maybe I'M not real?). And this one just about writing and blogging and the whole privacy thing. It's true. How do you figure that stuff out? Did you notice the part where she mentions like it's nothing that she's a float plane pilot like it's nothing? Go ahead, she's a real writer, so you (ahem, I) might learn something! I like this one too...Ducks, Float Plane, Cute Kid!
This one calls herself Saucy. And I believe her. She calls her husband Veto for heck's sake! And I'm pretty sure I found her through Today's Creative Blog. Which means...yup. She's creative! You should see her kitchen re-do on a house they affectionately call the 'flip house'. (Scroll down to the amazing kitchen transformation!). But I still think her own laundry room wins. I asked her if she was Mormon with a laundry room like that? She said, no. She's a JAP. Jewish American Princess. So there. And to prove my questioning... here's a terrific Diaper Cake Tutorial? See, she could be Mormon? Just sayin'.
Oh the good blog titles! Are you keeping track? I'm serious I may be giving away a prize at the end of this and make all of you vote for the best blog title. So be ready.
Beth is pretty funny and makes it easy to find good posts to share...Thursday's post is funny, and don't we all love it when the kids share more information than they should? My 4 year old kept telling people that he had a little brother, and everyone kept asking me if I was pregnant or something! Ha! NOT. And here she is doing a good deed in the form of a PSA. (Um...boobs or not, it was worth it?) Lastly this is one of her posts that I totally understand.... I want to be an Anti-Supermom too.
Hmmm. I just realized I do not know the why behind her blog title? Laurie must have met her husband there right? I mean cuz there are a lot of other things that started at Kent State...war protests, student riots...? Nah, it's gotta be the love story thing started there right? I'll have to ask her... Here's what I do know. She's a nurse. She loves the Cleveland Indians. (And Manny Ramirez). She has two cute kids. And I first met her when I read a very touching post about the loss of her twin babies. She's actually one of the Momo moms I've stumbled onto, but the high risk part was devastating for her and her family. Here's the lines from that post that still reach out to me:
1. Why can some people have twins, triplets, quads, etc. and are able to handle it?
2. Why can other people have twins with siblings and can handle it?
3. Why would God take my babies?
4. What did I do to prove to God that I could not handle it?
Heartbreaking huh?
She's such a trooper though, and I enjoy reading her blog. Go check out this post about her daughter's favorite stuffed animal. Very CU-UTE.
That's all for today. Heck probably the week.

I am glad you found a house!
Also the saag makes me gag. Did that rhyme? In my head it did... Anyway if you say it is good I will take your word for it but you can't make me taste it. No.
I love Love LOVE Indian food - the pic made me hungry! But then again, I've had it before & know it tastes better than it looks.
I'm feeling your pain, honey. So very sorry. In the midst of packing/moving, it is hard to imagine that there are people with worse problems.
Is this really Seth's dream job? It sounds so different from what he's been doing... I am happy for him, though.
Chin up - nose to the grindstone - what other cliches apply? Anyways - I know you can do it!
Enjoy the take-out week!
Thanks for the shout out! That was so sweet of you. I did meet my hubby at KSU. You guessed that right!
Keep your chin up with the move it will all get unpacked.
You answered my ? also. I have been wondering why you were moving. I hope your hubby loves his dream job and that it is all worth it. Find my hubby his dream job too.
I LOVE good Indian food...it's just hard to find. Will have to check out two of the bloggers I don't already visit.
How fun that you review some of your fave blogs for fun. I read Don Mills Diva...love her!
Thanks for your comment on my guest post over at Angie's place...we had a blast swapping blogs for a day!
Thanks for the invite on lunch. Sorry I can't make it. Good luck on the move and the packing. Keep us updated on everything!
You go girl...blogging, writing articles, making bags, packing,, and finding a place to live...I need a coke!!!
Yay for the house. The food looks interesting but I am always up for trying something new. Love all of the reviews. I am off to do some reading! Thanks.
Have you had any luck selling your house yet? Moving is just awful. I hope we don't have to do it again after this.
I love Saag ANYTHING - Saag Gosht (lamb) and chicken especially. Good choice :)
Indian food is awesome! Makes me hungry just thinking about it. I'm not sure if I've had the saag, though.
Moving just plain sucks! No way around it! Hang in there eventually it will be over, no matter what you do! hey, don't stress about the BF article on my account, the witchy girls will be around awhile and I have a couple of bigger ones I am still working on!
I haven't ever tried saag - looks interesting!
P.S. You've been "tagged" - See my blog for details! :)
Hey, this is the first time I've seen the shout out for my blog - boy I'm feelin' some bloggy love. THANKS.
Hope the house stuff is really starting to get better.
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