Due to uncontrollable extenuating (and other large words I can't think of) circumstances. We had to do our annual WHOLE FAMILY DRESS UP, last weekend.
Here are the results:
He totally came up with the whole Joker costume from Goodwill Stores. A teenager came up to us at one point during the community carnival and said: "Dude where did you buy your costume, THAT's what I want to be!" Sorry. Not a 'ready-made' costume here. You are looking at a professional costume designer, sorry. (Oh Yeah!)
Green Power Ranger is so happy to wear that dang cape! We found it at a garage sale for $1! Big sister also found her perfect Piratess costume at Goodwill. Little sister used the large bin of Halloween Costumes past, as did BatMama.
Total cost for costumes this year? About $20. We rock.
Oh if I could figure out my DANG scanner I would sooo share the photo we had taken of the two of us on Harleys! Now that was awesome.
I can't wait to see everyone else's Halloween Costumes...Happy Haunting! (And safe.)

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Now those are some awesome costumes!! I just boo-ed you!! Come and see :). Happy Halloween!
Wow that's awesome!!! Me... I'll be wearing normal clothes and handing out candy at the door.
I was going to boo you too! You can pick up the graphic from my sidebar, put it in yours and start boo-ing your friends.
Love the costumes. I'm all about thrift store stuff. I think our costume pictures may go up Saturday morning.
These are amazing! You have a Goodwill gift!!!
Great jobs on the costumes! You guys look awesome!
You guys SO ROCK!!!!
Great costumes all around, but that Joker is RAD. And really creepy and wrong at the same time.
Happy Halloween!
Look at you thrify..cool..costume maker you!! Happy Halloween..
Wow that is an awesome costume! You have been boo'd!!! Stop by to see!!
HOLY COW! Hubby is srsly scaring the crap out of me! What a great costume. You can check mine out on my site later. But good job on the the whole $20! Wahoo!
Very awesome clan of costumes! We tried to all dress up this year, but I just couldn't get into it. You all look fantastic!
Happy Halloween!
Hey there! Number 10 on the PSF list? Beat my number 50+.
Still getting a kick out of the family pic. Troy went to work today in a wild leather jacket (I'll post a pic tomorrow) and a big, black, curly wig. Looked like a freak. Cracked me up, because it was such a mismatched costume. I guess he is in the spirit of things. Me? I guess I could wear a wig too. But, that would mean less sleep and more time to get ready. Hmmmmm!
Happy Halloween. Chat soon...
so awesome!!!
Oh do find a scanner. LOVE your costumes. You guys rock!
I love it!! Great job on the Jokers face!
Those are incredible! What a fun family!
WOW. WOW. Excellent. You all looked so great!
You guys look AWESOME! You are so much for dressing up! I don't...although I am workin' my sassy new Twilight shirt oh yes I am!
Happy Halloween Carissa!
LOVE it! Why does your hubby always look his Halloween part? How DOES he do it? My guess is it is something with the facial expressions. He's good at that.
You guys look great!
That Joker make-up... WOW!!!
Fun and scary.
That is an awesome PSF! Can we hire you and your mad costume skillz for next year?
Thanks for the link to the twilight blog, I enjoyed that too (and the Hubby is wondering where I've slipped off to).
I am very impressed with your costumes! I also need to know how you got your pictures laid out like that... Spill.
I need to take lessons from you. ONE of my daughter's costumes cost $20. So jealous! (Although I am not that creative and the costume aisle in Target is about the best I can do!)
I love the joker costume, that is just awesome. Here for Mission Mondays.
Hi! Found you through Mission Monday. Fun way to meet new friends.
I love a budget conscious/creative costumes. My older boys love shopping Goodwill for costumes. At 21 and 18, they still love dressing up. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
You can always take a picture of your photo. Just be aware of shadows and reflections. That's how I posted pictures of my grandmom's handmade costumes from my childhood.
Nice to meet you!
I love the Joker costume combined with Batman you guys rock(ed)[I'm not sure which form is more correct here.]!
Okay, those are some seriously amazing costumes! You all are very creative!
You do ROCK! I didn't add mine up-- I should have. I made everyone get creative because we were so broke and they wanted a bonfire the next night for their friends. I didn't dress up though--you guys all look awesome!
I am so impressed at your costuming budget. WAY. TO. GO.
Makes me excited to have kids some day so I can dress up with them in hilarious/dorky/extravagant costumes. :) It will be amazing if I can do that for $20, but that gives me some time to work on my budgeting skills.
You guys look great. Nice job!
You do rock! That is awesome!
Fun costumes!
I ended up being on bed rest last week and I wasn't able to make costumes for my family like I usually do.
I put them all in garbage bags and sent them out as teh California raisins.
We probably spent less than you did.
Those are some of the best costumes I have seen! Pieced together perfectly!
Great costumes! Ya'll are very creative!
I spent (way) more then that on one costume...those are great!
Great job with the costumes; especially for the money. I am impressed. Cindi
cool..awesome..i like these guys..i read lots of blogger and found both you guys have lively fancy..happy everyday
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