(Official Stuff First)
STEP 1. Have you filled out a Mr. Linky yet? (Important!!) If not, go to
http://www.halftimelessons.com"HalftimeLessons or http://dirtysocksandpizza.blogspot.com"DirtySocksandPizza to
do so. This enters you in the giveaway as well.
STEP 2. Find the answer to the question to each of the 3 blog posts
listed there.
STEP 3. You do not have to post the answers to the questions anywhere,
just know them if you are selected in the giveaway drawing Monday night,
because the winner of the drawing will be contacted for the answers!!
You found me!! I have been featured on "MISSION: Monday" by Deb and Jay at Dirty Socks and Pizza and HalftimeLessons! The idea behind their weekly promotion and giveaway is to bring focus to great blogs like mine
(ha, ha Carissa thinks.. mine??)...
so now that you found me, here is my question you will need to know the answer to if you win the weekly drawing:
(Be very grateful I'm not asking you to find the real vanity size of mama's new jeans below!)
How much did my family spend TOTAL
on our Halloween costumes this year?
~~~on our Halloween costumes this year?
Find the answer to my question in my blog somewhere on this current page (and leave me a comment...I love 'em!), and make sure you visit the other two blogs to find their answers! If Deb and Jay pull your name as the winner of the weekly contest, you will need to know all three blog answers!
This week the MISSION: Monday prize is a small custom order tote from Carissa's Apricot A Lot, valued at $32, to hold all of your secret agent gadgets. In addition, the winner will have her/his blog used as a feature blog in the next week's Mission!!

And while you are at it, make sure you add me to your blogroll, and come back to visit me often!
(Don't you just love Jay and Deb?
I'm not just sayin' that cuz those are MY bags they are featuring...)
I'm not just sayin' that cuz those are MY bags they are featuring...)

Wow first commenter!! Cool, I am on the mission!!
Nice blog, and I love the costumes! My son was a power ranger for 2 years straight- red and then mercury (silver). We even had a "real" ranger come to his 5th birthday. Gotta love those power rangers! ;-)
And I was here JAY!
Oooh, I love your bags. I'm sooooo gonna win. Or just buy a bag anyway around Christmas. ;)
i am in toile love with those bags!!! yeah!!
i have accepted the mission and found the answer!
Remember, Agents, you dont need to post your answers to the questions HERE!! Just MAKE SURE you enter a Mr Linky at HalftimeLessons or DirtySocksandPizza as instructed, and know the answers to the 3 blog questions listed there if you win the drawing tonight!!
Good Luck!
on the mission and found the answer!
I loved your costumes....and love your bags. Pick me Jay and Deb!!!
On a Mission! I so knew the answer without even have to look for it! Thanks!
WOW - I am in awe of your costume prowress!!! (is that the right word - who knows ...) And, oh the money you saved!!!!
And this contest ROCKS!!!
I love this mission thing.. I love your blog! I love finding new ones to obsessively read.. sounds a little creepy huh? anyway, I was here, Jay! And I know the answer!
ps. very good costumes,I must say!
OMG! I am so impressed with what you spent! I totally need to get tips from you!
Hey, this is awesome! You know I totally want one of your bags!
Anyway.... to answer your question: NONE. As in zero dollars. Thrifty, right? Actually, not so much. We don't have kids yet so that helps. And the fact that we don't dress up for Halloween also factors in. Haven't in years but who knows, that might change sometime.
Anyway, great bloggy idea! See ya tomorrow night for GNO.
Off on a mission now...
I love the look of your blog - will have to stop by again real soon to see what you're up to.
And also - you rock at shopping for halloween costumes!
Yeah, you know it would help if I read your directions more clearly. Whoops. Coffee hasn't kicked in and it's still early. Ignore most of my post. Duh.
Well, I already love your blog, so now I just need to check out the other blogs.
Fun idea!
Nice site. I'll be back, more time and more coffee,
You know I've been eyeing your bags for months now. If I wasn't so dang cheap I'd just buy one. I guess I'll either have to steal one or win one.
I love when Haloween can be done cheap! Great job on the costumes!
Hi. You blog is very entertaining. Your costumes are all so wonderful!!
Just jumped over for the Monday:Mission I have never done it before but I love MamaKat and she was featured so I thought I would check it all out.
I did figure your answer out I already knew her answer and now I am off to see if I can get the last one!
I love the joker costume!!!
I'm totally trying to play along! I'm off to find the answer to your question now!
Awesome costumes! I am on a mission & have found the answer. Nice blog!
This contest sounds like so much fun!!
Y'all's costumes were terrific! I love making the costumes ourselves. (When we have time)
mission accomplished...answer found!! hugs and prayers...
Actually, I did add you--I'd been meaning too and kept forgetting. (memory of a gnat here.) Great prize too-- you are so creative!
Your bags are so adorable!! Toile is just a gift from above.
I'm doing my best to resist Twitter, but I'm slowly beginning to realize that fighting the force is wasted energy. Not. YET!
I really really really want a bag!
So fun, off to your check out your blog!
COngrats on being in Jay and Deb's first round!
This is a nice idea!
I so know this answer and I hope I win. I need one of your small totes! :)
I so totally know the answer. My self-concept is zooming because of it. Loving your bloggy tutotials over there on the left. Glad to find you.
I'm leaving my mark to prove I was here! still a little confused with all the rules!
I was here! I have the answer!!!
I'll take $20 bucks for the win, Alex.
I'm NOT saying the answer, but I know it!
I accepted the mission! Or is it Mission?
Love your blog! This whole mission thing is a great idea!
PS yes your vote does count. Age = wisdom... I'd go for old over slippery any day! ;-)
Hi, this is my first time on a mission, so far it's fun. And I did find the answer.
Your costumes were great!
Cool blog and love the costumes. You sure know how to get a bang out of a buck!
Very cool Halloween costumes for that family-- it's obvious you are a very creative bunch!
I accept the mission (and love it in fact)
Love the family costumes!
(*got the answer too!*)
Whoop!!!! Are you digging all the traffic? I am, too! This is so fun and I soooo wanted to win one of these dang bags and was told I couldn't. You are so talented. I am so jealous. I have said "so" 4 times. Now 5. I am off my rocker.
I found you through Mission Monday! Wow, you got off cheap. Yeah, you rock!
It is already working, this Monday Mission thing, as I have never been here before.
This is fun!
Am on the mission too! Great costumes! We did costumes on the cheap side too - I should get pics up on my blog too! Thanks for sharing! (MadAnne)
You must be a pre-planner person, being all ready for the occasion way beforehand. I'm so last minute.
I'm on the mission.
This mission thing is awesome. Nice to meet you....
Nice blog, I will RSS it. I look forward to GNO
$20?? You guys are awesome!!
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