What Is Motherhood To You?

motherhood baby flowers
The movie Motherhood comes out tonight.

I sat in on a panel for the #motherhood twitter chat last night.

And I loved hearing everyone's take on the joys and the guilts and the loves of being a mother.

I think everyone mentioned at least once basically this thought:

I feel guilty for not being theBestFreakingMostAwesome mother in the world.

Seriously. We have guilt over perfectionism? I kept asking the moms...
  • Do your kids love you?
  • Do you love your kids?
  • Do they KNOW you love them?

Game over. Lose the guilt. We've got enough with all the multitasking, phone-calling, car-pooling, butt-wiping... don't ya think?

Now go tickle your kids and listen to Catherine Connors:

goodncrazy blue dots

herbadmother Ah, I love my kids to pieces, and they know it.

herbadmother No matter my insecurities about my motherhood I know my kids are HAPPY, that they laugh every day, even when times are tense.

Oh my heck! I was featured. And it didn't hurt or anything!


